Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Beginning

I've been debating with myself for days on how to start off this new venture.  Do I do a well thought out entry complete with introductions (perhaps charts and facts?) or do I go a more casual route?  How do I make it that someone may actually want to read this blog, that will ultimately end up a mess of thoughts and probably ramblings about hockey? This probably still isn't the right way, but what the hell; it is my blog after all.

My name is Amanda and I have no life to speak of.  I'm 27 years old and I've managed to recluse myself into a corner that I fear I may never get out of.  I'm currently in-between jobs and on top of not having activities to do, I get to do that all day long on my own.  You get very tired of it, trust me.

I'm no novice to the online writing notion, I have had a livejournal for a number of years.  So long in fact, I don't remember why I picked the user name I did.  I believe was to try and impress a boy online?  Yes, that is how deep my lameness goes. 

Now, don't get me wrong.  I do have friends and they are great friends; two that I've had for more then half of my life.  But do you see my lovely age up there?  27.  Being that it is nearly 2012 at this point, or in a few months anyways, I've seen a ridiculous amount of articles about how it's okay to marry late and be single.  Get yourself in order first, then find that other person. 

Apparently none of my friends have read that memo, but is something I am sure I will get into at a later time (in a very long ranting length I'm sure).  But it leaves me wondering quiet often, what happens if you never do figure yourself out?  Do you turn into the cat lady?  Or in my case, the dog lady?  Only time will tell I suppose..

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